Wednesday, April 8, 2009

1000 Places to See Before You Die

I added a gadget called 1000 Places to See before You Die
in Igoogle. Today's picture is Corcovado, Brazil. Knowing that I had added this
gadget, Eunice said, "That's a wrong gadget for you to find. Soon you will be planning
trips to those places." lol. I told her, "The moment I saw that picture, I told
myself I need to go to South America next year. There are wonderful places
everywhere in the world. I just cannot resist the temptation."

Check the website (; I think it's a really
good resource a well-designed
website with a lot of nice pictures (Nay, I take back my words. This is more like a book advertising website. Sarcastic Only a few places are introduced. The book should be good, though.) You will definitely want to just pack your
stuff and go. At least, I am.

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