Saturday, May 30, 2009

Three Years

To my best friend and soon-to-be ex-colleague Eunice.

I tried several times to write something down but never succeed. Most of the time, I wrote one or two sentences and couldn’t go on. There are some people in your life you feel you like so much, and Eunice is one of them. She made me remind of my classmate Yin in China, with whom I can do whatever I want to do and share whatever things happening in my life. Yes, she is such a good friend to me-very unique, very special, and very intimate.

Sometimes, when you are so close to somebody you don’t know what is the best way to describe your feeling when suddenly she will leave you for a new journey. Although I know everything from the very beginning when that moment comes I still feel very upset.

Three years. It’s not a long period in one’s life; it’s long enough to establish a very close friendship. When I was first introduced to her three years ago I never realized that we could be so close. At that time, she was a quiet girl doing intern in the Academy. I was the one who approached her ‘cos I thought she’s close to my age; she’s nice; and we have a similar background−both were international Ph.D. students, at the time.

During the first few months we became friends and exchanged cell phone numbers. When the summer ended, the Academy didn’t continue her intern job so she went back school to continue her study. It’s lucky-for me and her-that we exchanged cell number ‘cos after a month the Academy wanted her back to continue the intern but couldn’t find a way to contact her. So, she’s back and we kept our friendship till today.

She’s the one who called me in the evening when we were both watching the same show just because she wanted to discuss some funny moments (yeah, the shows we watch are pretty much the same because I introduce what I like to her and she does the same).

She’s the one who wrote me e-mails when I was away for trips because she wanted to let me know the Academy’s latest update (yeah, we are two gosssip girls).

She’s also the one who reminded me that I need to keep myself up-to-date in my field; who shared her school library account with me because I said I had no access to electronic databases; and who borrowed books from her school library for me when I said I wanted to read this and this.

When she needs my help and advice I am always there for her, too.

People say, a friend in need is a friend indeed. I truly believe we are such friends. There are still many things that we plan to do together: her china trip and my Africa trip. Will try making them happen one-by-one.

Good luck! May our friendship last forever!

1 comment:

  1. How lucky you are to have such an intimate friend!If i am not mistaken,i should have seen her photo,a very nice girl.Keep contact with her because friends are big fortune for us.---ballballmouse
