Friday, April 3, 2009


呵呵,偶又准备出门了,在去阿拉斯加之前先做个热身,测试测试我在REI上购来的鸟装Gore-Tex 防水性能(虽然偶是希望不要给我机会来测试!)。西雅图和它周围的NP是我在AK之外的另一个经常念叨的地方,想去已久。其实,去那里最好的季节在独立日后的7月,那时候据说阳光灿烂的日子会多些,不过7月我会在AK,鱼与熊掌不可得兼,所以就5月吧,因为机票真是便宜啊~,也因为我反正是还准备再去1次的—— 一个8日游实在不足以涵盖所有的我想去之处。偶的tentative plan如下,时间:05/02/2009 - 05/09/2009,欢迎加盟,招2个。:)

Day 1: fly to

Day 2: Olympia NP
– take the ferry; Hurricane ridge (meadow trail; hurricane ridge trail – 4
mile); stay in Port Angeles, WA

Day 3: Olympia NP
– Lake crescent (Marymere Falls Trail and the lake); Sol Duc Valley
(waterfalls); Mora sunset; stay in Forks, WA – Olympic Suits

Day 4: Olympia NP
– Hoh Rain Forest (Hall of Mosses trail and Spruce Nature trail); Ruby Beach, Beach 1, 2, and 3; drive to Mount Rainier NP; stay in Packwood, WA

Day 5: Mt Rainier NP – reflection lake (in the morning); paradise; sunrise; Myrtle falls
(in the morning); stay in Portland, OR

Day 6: Columbia
River Gorge (Wahkeena falls, Multnomah falls, horsetail falls, ponytail falls);
drive back to Seattle

Day 7: Seattle – Pike Street Market;
space needle, music center (2-3hr); first starbucks

Day 8: fly back
from Seattle

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