Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Catch Phrase: Hole or Lock?

We invited our friends P and J to come playing games last Saturday. P brought with him an Electronic Catch Phrase device.

The basic rule of this game is to have one person describe a word he/she sees on the device and explain to another person what this word is without using the word itself. Then the other person will guess the word based on the descriptions.

P and J are team one. R and C are team two.

Word: hydro-electric

C: It's a dam. Water generating power.
R: ........I don't know.
C: Power. Light bulb. What's that?
R: .......electricity?

P: You can break the word into two parts and explain them separately. 
C: Element #1. First element on the periodic table.
R: .......I don't know.
(Di! Di! Di! We ran out of time)

Word: anti-lock

C: So you know ABS. What does A mean?
R: .........I don't know. Anti something
C: what is on the door?
R: knob
C: Why do you need to use your key?
R: Open the door
C: So you put your key in....?
(R turned, looked at the door, and turned back)
R: Hole?
C: ........
(Di! Di! Di! We ran out of time)

Oh, well. This happened too many times. We finally switched to play Apples to Apples.

R's English sucks!

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