Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rui!

I was kind of upset this morning. True, upset. Living
alone in the U.S. with no Chinese friends around me made me feel bad. Well, not
quite often, but on such a special day - at least to me. No friends on my
messenger popped up and sent a simple message saying happy birthday in the
whole morning. Of course, I don’t blame them. I don't remember their birthdays,
either, unless they put something after their names or give me a clue.

I remembered long time ago when my brother and I
were still kids, we always wanted parents to buy big birthday cakes to
celebrate our birthdays. (Well, what we really loved was the icing of those cakes.)
No matter whether there were birthday cakes or not, parents would always boil
eggs in the morning of our birthdays and prepare for big dinners.

Dad and mom are always the ones who remember my birthday.
Last weekend, while talking on the phone, they said happy birthday to me in
advance and told me that they would eat birthday eggs for me on September 17. People
say, parents have the most generous and unselfish love for their kids. Friends
come and go, but parents are always there. They support me, encourage me, comfort
me, and cherish me in their ways, whenever and wherever. I don't share
everything with them, but I do love them indeed.

My upset didn't last very long, though. Donna made me
a chocolate fudge raspberry cake and Cindy took me out for lunch. My fellow
colleagues gathered together to share the cake during the break time. I was
also given a birthday card signed by everybody - it's interesting that I have signed
so many cards for other people but forget that one day I will also get one. (Well,
I have already known about the cake part because Donna came to ask me what
flavor I like. So that’s not a "surprise.") Sitting there with my colleagues
and hearing so many "happy birthday" just cheered me up.

The restaurant we went to prepared balloons and a
small cake with sparkle for me. Waiters and waitresses stood around us and sang
the "happy birthday" song. It's such a wonderful experience.

Thanks to Donna, Cindy, and all my colleagues who
showed up for my small birthday party. Thanks to Huiguang, too. Hehe, you are
the only messenger friend who remembered my birthday.
You all made my birthday a very special day.

I guess what I really need is a feeling of being
remembered, no matter it comes from friends, family members, or colleagues. For
that same reason, I will begin to remember your birthdays, my friends, and be
sure to say happy birthday to you when it's your turn.


  1. 生日快乐!日子会越过越好的!


  3. :) Thanks, Tina. Let's keep each other updated on future journey plans. Maybe we can go some where together. Say, Europe!
