Friday, February 20, 2009

香蕉布丁(Banana Pudding)

我的同事——甜点大师Donna的recipe。我自从吃过伊做的香蕉布丁之后一直念念不忘,其实基本上她做的甜点我吃过N多之后,N多都念念不忘。依样画葫芦做过Whoopie pie,可吃而不可观,呵呵,没她做的那么漂亮。这次准备来尝试做香蕉布丁,据说很简单,:)看着好象也不是很难,等着看我的成果吧。food 004

Banana Pudding Recipe

· 1 box Nilla Wafers – use half

· 3 bananas – cut into bite sized pieces

· 1 small box instant Jello vanilla pudding mix

· 1 cup milk

· 1 small container Cool Whip

· 1 can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk – use half, refrigerate the rest

Combine pudding mix, milk, Cool Whip, sweetened condensed milk in a bowl using an electronic mixer. Blend till emulsified.

In a deep bowl layer in the following order: wafers, bananas, liquid. (see right)

Continue to layer until everything is used.

Sprinkle the top with crushed wafers, if desired.


 food 007

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