Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Say hi to Sarah Palin (更新版)

计划去阿拉斯加了,终于。虽然现在似乎还很遥望,不过总算决定了今年的重要行程之一就是阿拉斯加。决定的时间很快,一瞬间;决定的因素很简单,找到了同行者。我在n年前的念想就是去阿拉斯加,念叨了n年还未能成行,希望在n+1年的时候踏上这片土地。以下是我拟定的draft plan,初定14日(可调整),大致时间:7月中下旬。:)


Day 1: fly to Anchorage, AK (ANC)

Day 2: drive from Anchorage, AK to Seward, AK (Seward Hwy, 127 miles, 2.5-hr); in the afternoon: Lost Lake Trail

Day 3: Harding Icefield Trail at Exit Glacier (7.4-mile round trip); sightseeing in Seward, AK

Day 4: glacier cruise tour; drive from Seward, AK to Homer, AK (4 hrs 21 mins)

Day 5: Homer, AK (clam digging; fishing; bald eagle viewing)

Day 6: drive from Homer, AK to Whittier, AK (4 hrs 45 mins); take ferry from Whittier, AK to Valdez, AK (6-7 hrs)

Day 7: Sea Kayaking (Columbia Glacier) in Valdez, AK

Day 8 - Day 9: Richardson Hwy (drive from Valdez, AK to Glennallen, AK) and Denali Hwy (drive to Denali NP)

Day 10 - Day 11: Denali National Park (bus tour; hiking); flight seeing tour in Talkeetna, AK; drive back to Anchorage, AK

Day 12: fly to Katmai National Park; bear view tour

Day 13: bear view tour (cont.); fly back to Anchorage, AK

Day 14: fly from Anchorage, AK (flexible, wait to be decided)

Note: 1) 如果不去Katmai NP,可以考虑去Fairbanks,然后向北去北极圈踩踩;但如果准备去Katmai NP,那就没必要考虑去Fairbanks,去那里的最大意义就是淘金tour还有继续向北去北极圈。

2Katmai NP一行估计2天价格约$800+roundtrip tickets between Anchorage, AK and King Salmon, AK $420+; air taxi $183; lodge


  1. 不错的计划,夏季那里白昼时间夸张的长,所以每天游玩的时间应该是非常宽裕的,就是还没日落的时候就睡觉会不踏实。可以考虑camping。建议跟baiyun咨询一下,她有经验。祝你们玩得痛快。我闪~~

  2. 呵呵,14天啊14天,我先请到假再说,现在是tentative plan。我知道她当时是camping,送机、接机都是偶,压了我车后箱满满的行李,不确定会不会camping,我基本上不是camping fan,除非同去的想camping我才会有这个打算。
