Sunday, May 24, 2009

西兰花沙拉(Broccoli Salad)


成分: food 007

  • One bunch broccoli chopped (1把西兰花,切碎)
  • One small red onion chopped (1个洋葱,切碎)
  • Eight ounce shredded cheddar cheese (8盎司筛丝的Cheddar cheese)
  • One cup mayo (Huh… 一杯蛋黄酱)
  • 1/2 cup sugar (半杯糖)
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar (2T 白醋)
  • 6 slices cooked bacon chopped (6个切碎的熟培根)

Mix the mayo, sugar, and vinegar and toss with the broccoli, onion, and cheese. Top with the bacon just before serving (就是这个那个混合搅拌大杂烩,最后撒点切碎的培根)。


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