Monday, May 7, 2012

Book: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I am re-writing this blog entry simply because the other one I wrote a few days ago disappeared when I try to save a new blog entry. How weird! Anyway, here is it again. 

I received a Kindle Touch from Alex as my v-day’s present this year. Actually, when he asked me what I wanted for the v-day gift, I specifically requested for a Kindle. Truth is I haven’t been reading for a really long time and having an e-reader will encourage me to spend some time doing some reading. At least I think so. 

Yay! After I received the gift I did spend much more time reading – finished at least 3 books in the last 2 months (too slow? Maybe…but that’s my reading speed). The latest book I just finished reading was The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo (2005). It’s a great crime novel written by Swedish author Stieg Larsson. I was so hooked by it that while other people were watching TV at night I just sat aside reading it all night long. Alex, after my recommendation, also began to listen to the audio book.
Well, at this point, I haven’t watched the movie yet. One reason is because I always want to read a book first before watching the adapted movie if possible. In my opinion, the movie would reflect the director’s interpretation while what I wanted to have is the interpretation of myself. The other reason is because of Alex. We plan to watch the movie together and that won’t happen until he finishes listening to the audio book. 

Luckily, I find myself some other books to read. Or, I should say, it’s due to Alex I find some other books to read immediately after finishing this one. “Do you know The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo is one of the tree novels in a Millennium Series?” After I announced I finished the book Alex told me so. …Thanks, Alex. Now I have two more books I plan to read next: The Girl Who Played with Fire (2006) and The Girl Who Kicked the Homets’ Nest (2007). 

Happy listening, Alex! Time for the next book, Rui!

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