Monday, May 7, 2012

Movie: The Avengers - First Alamo Drafthouse Experience

Drinking and eating while watching a movie. A whole new experience to me.

This passing weekend, Alex and I went to watch The Avengers (2012) at the Alamo Draft-house. The cinema was built up somewhere last year or maybe early this year. Each time we pass it on our way home we say that we would need to go watch movies there. So, after such a long time, we finally made it.

Different from other cinemas, this Alamo is a drafthouse. To me, it's a new concept 'cos I haven't seen or been to any drafthouses before. For those of you who are interested in knowing what the Alamo drafthouse is, here is the wiki definition:

Anyhow, the differences, as what I can tell, include: (1) of course, you can drink and have lunch/dinner while watching a movie; (2) seats are not assigned (same as other cinemas) but you get there early and wait in line to get in; (3) before the regular movie previews, the cinema showed some cartoons, old movie clips, or advertisements related to the movie to be shown - this was actually quite funny and unique; (4) there is a small table between every two seats so your food and drinks can be put on it; (5) throughout the movie, you can order food or drinks by writing your orders done on a piece of paper and stick it in the table slot designed for it. Overall, a fun experience. : )

Now a few words about the movie. Have you watched the Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and Thor? All those superheros gathered together in The Avengers trying to save the mankind again. A good Si-fi movie with a lot of hilarious moments. Everybody really enjoyed it.

If you haven't watched it and plan to do so here is a kindly reminder: Remember to wait till the end credits.....I assure you that you won't be disappointed by waiting. We didn' we had to view it on YouTube today. :-(

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